Full Council Agenda & Minutes

The next Parish Council meeting will be held in September 2024 at The Memorial Hall, Silver St

Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting in in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (1) (2). 
There are no items of a confidential nature requiring exclusion under Part B (exclusion of press & public) at this meeting.



Additional Information

1     Public Open Session  15 minutes for members of the public to raise any issue of concern, 5 minutes maximum per speaker



2     Co-option of New Councillor


3     Declarations of Interest  To receive any declarations relating to items on this agenda

4     Apologies  To consider any apologies for absence

5     Minutes  To approve the meeting minutes 9 July 2024

6     External Reports  To receive reports from: 

       6.1   County Cllr Squires             
       6.2   District Cllr Roberts       


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